Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Crime Of The Criminal Justice System - 845 Words

The criminal justice policy has many different aspects. This include the different theories of crime and how they have an impact the criminal justice system. Some of this theories are the Biological studies, Psychological theories, and last the Sociological theory all are used as different methods of explaining why crime exists. Biological theories are the biological explanations of crime. A famous theorists Cesare Lombroso, founder of the Italian school of Positivist Criminology. His biological explanation of crime, was that criminal behavior were genetic and that individuals who take part in crime, can be recognized by physical abnormalities or defects. One example is that murders have cold, glassy blood shot eyes, long hair and thin lips. He insisted that criminals committed acts that were beyond their control. William Sheldon theory of crime took on a different approach; he associates certain body types with certain behaviors. In his theory, he believed behavior to be inherited. One of Sheldon theory was that there is an association between personality and body type. Below are three basic body types according to Sheldon ââ€" ª Endomorphs-which are heavy, obese; soft, round shaped ââ€" ª Mesomorph- rectangular build, muscular, hard and heavy ââ€" ª Ectomorphs-linear, flat, thin, fragile, and delicate. Another biological explanation of crime relates to certain brain dysfunctions (Sammons, 2015). This can be seen in children and adults who suffer from ADHD, and other hyperactivityShow MoreRelatedCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesanalyzed various aspects of crime and criminality. Through continued study and ongoing research, criminologists have developed various theories as per the causes of different types of crime, whether or not some individuals are predisposed to certain types of criminal activity, legal processes of the criminal justice system, and how criminal offenders are processed. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Home vs House Free Essays

Material and Spiritual Possessions John Berry, the homeless man from Yorba Linda was stabbed in the back thirty times. He did not have what people viewed as a house, but the bench near Carl’s Jr. was considered his home, a place of comfort and value close to the heart. We will write a custom essay sample on Home vs House or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Homeless† an essay written by Anna Quindlen, focuses on the people who don’t have that sense of place, â€Å"a place of certainty, stability, predictability, and privacy† (Quindlen 528). â€Å"Homeless† is not about the people who are living on the streets, but the people who never had a house to call their home. The difference between the two is that a house is a possession that functions as a protective shelter, an area to do daily routines and is a monetary asset to the owner, while a home possesses sentimental value, memories and traditions. First, a house is an architectural structure that provides shelter and also used for financial gain for its inhabitants. A house has four walls and a roof to block wind, rain, heat, and other outside elements for the people inside. Therefore, the outside of the house is made of materials that are waterproof while the structure is sturdy to withstand high winds. A house contains air conditioning and blinds to block heat from the outside. This building doesn’t only protect from weather, but also from people. The doors and windows have locking mechanisms to keep unwanted intruders out. A house also can be equipped with a security system that has cameras, alarms, and motion sensing lights for the people who want to be extra safe. Each room in a house is built specially to serve a purpose. The kitchen is filled with appliances to cook and store food. The bathroom is built with a toilet, shower, and a mirror to help accomplish morning routines. The bedrooms have a closet, bed, and desk so that the person living there can have his own private area to change, sleep, and complete work. However, the main purpose for a house for many people is for the financial gain. A house can be sold, bought, rented, foreclosed, and even abandoned. Many people bought a house so in the future they hope that they can resell the house for when they retire. Some people buy inexpensive houses to fix them up with a small amount of money and sell it for more than they bought the house including the repairs. Others buy a house in a certain area so they can vacation and stay there whenever they please. Houses are a realtor’s way of making a living. A house is treated like a possession that is passed from owner to owner and becomes nothing more than a structure. On the other hand, a home is a special place that holds memories that will never be forgotten, traditions and feelings that cannot be found anywhere else. A home has those crayons blemishes on the wall that track how the children are growing over the years. Home has that smell of Korean style hotpot every Christmas, that certain area where there is perfect lighting with peace and quiet to indulge in a novel, and the window that has a perfect view and has sun seep through it every morning. Birthdays to holidays are spent together with friends and family in this safe haven celebrating the special occasion. A home sees the ups and downs of the family living there. A family grows together in a home not only by age, but bonds between family members. A living room in a home hosts the Super Bowl game every year where friends and family get together with snacks and drinks to watch the game. A living room in a home is where the tree stands every December towering over the presents. The living room has the perfect love seat to be lazy on and watch favorite television shows and movies. The mahogany coffee table right next to the sofa is the perfect rest for feet compare to being pressed against the cold tile floor. Board games are placed on the coffee table in the middle of a circle of friends and family to compete with each other in Monopoly, Life, and Scrabble. To sum up, home is the best place to be to unwind from the day and have all the stress die way. A home is original, there is no place like home. It is decorated with memories and sentimental items; it has a feeling of permanence. The family in the home has privacy knowing no one is looking over their shoulder, no one is in their area of relaxation and no one is going to be bothersome. The home owner has control of what happens within the walls of the home. The home owner chooses what activities, parties and people that are allowed inside the home. Home is where the heart, privacy, and memories reside. Lastly, a home is a sanctuary and private place, while a house is a shelter monetary possession, and full fills basic needs. A home provides way beyond a house can ever give. They all vary in size, shape, color and design, but what is always different is the feeling inside. Works Cited Quindlen, Anna. â€Å"Homeless. † The Longwood Reader. 4th ed. Ed. Edward Dornan (Indent) Charles Dawe. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. 527-529. Print. How to cite Home vs House, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Walt Whitman And His Themes Of Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Walt Whitman and his Subjects of Life Throughout society publishing houses can do or brake a author s calling. When a author must print his ain work many times his work becomes shelved in his ain place for the dinner invitees to see. In Some instances as this one, you have a author who publishes his ain work and subsequently becomes one of America s most esteemed poets and his work hailed as a chef-doeuvre of American literature. Walt Whitman pioneered a vision of humanity based on classless democratic ideals and unveiled an ambitious poetic voice designed to function as the incarnation of America, through Leafs of Grass. In his most extremely regarded verse form # 8220 ; Song of Myself # 8221 ; Whitman states # 8220 ; You shall no longer take things at 2nd or 3rd manus, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor provender on the apparitions in books, You shall non look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides and filtrate them from your ego # 8221 ; ( Whitman 28 ) . This is everlasting and reflects his personal mentalities. Walt Whitman has a batch to lend to his Hagiographas. This information is focused on his personal history of his childhood, maturity and the text behind one of his many subjects, friendly relationship. As the second of nine kids Whitman was born in West Hills, Long Island on May 31, 1819. He grew up in Brooklyn and went to public schools at that place for six old ages. By the age of 11 Whitman was done with formal instruction and he began his life after school as a labourer, working foremost as an office male child for a jurisprudence office. Here his self-cultivation began absorbing what he could at the library. In 1831 Whitman became an learner on the Long Island Patriot, a broad, working category newspaper, where he learned the printing trade and was foremost exposed to exhilaration of seting words into print, detecting how thought and event could be rapidly transformed into linguistic communication and instantly communicated to 1000s of readers. He wrote articles on political relations and the humanistic disciplines. He attended arguments, the theatre, concerts, talks, political meetings and frequently sit on stage- managers and ferries merely to speak with people ( Kaplan 14 ; # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . During his stretch at the Patriot, Whitman retain a compositor s concern for how his words look on a page, what typeface they were dressed in, what effects assorted spacial agreements had, and he would ever retain his obstinate independency, neer get marrieding and populating entirely for most of his life. Meanwhile in the summer of 1833 after his household had resettled on a farm they had another boy, Thomas Jefferson. Though the 14 twelvemonth age difference, Whitman would turn really near with Thomas subsequently when they travel together to New Orleans in 1848. It had seemed that Whitman s naming was traveling to be in the printing concern, but terrible fires wiped out the major printing and concern centres of the metropolis, and, in the thick of a glooming fiscal clime, Whitman retreated place to his household in Long Island. Whitman began his new calling as a school teacher. These may hold been Whitman s most unhappy old ages, going to some 10 towns to learn and boarding with his pupils. He received really small wage to learn some really unenlightened people. The small grounds of his instruction is ( largely from short remembrances by a few former pupils ) suggests that Whitman employed what were so progressive techniques promoting pupils to believe aloud instead than merely recite, declining to penalize by paddling, affecting his pupils in educational games, and fall ining his pupils in baseball and card games. He did non waver to utilize his ain verse form which he was by this clip composing with some frequence, though they were rhymed, conventional poetries that indicated nil of the advanced poesy to come as texts in his schoolroom. Succeeding the learning Whitman spent a short clip as a fiction author between the old ages of 1840 to 1845, puting his narratives in magazines. During this clip Whitman w as composing for an array of newspapers on subjects runing from how the constabulary rounded up cocottes denouncing the bishop s support of parochial schools ( Conarroe ; Poetry for ) . Now at the age of 30 five Whitman had published his first edition of Leaves of Grass which consisted of 12 ignoble verse forms and no indicant of its writer aside from the right of first publication notice, in which the holders is identified as â€Å"Walt Whitman, an American, one of the roughs, a kosmos, † a phrase echoed I one of the verse form. Within a few months of bring forthing his first edition of Leaves, Whitman was already difficult at work on the 2nd edition. While in the first, he had given his long lines room to stretch across the page by publishing the book on big paper, in the 2nd edition he sacrificed the broad pages and produced what he subsequently called his â€Å"chunky fat book, † his earliest effort to make a minor edition that would offer the reader what Whitman idea of as the â€Å"ideal pleasure† â€Å"to put a book in your pocket and [ go ] away to the coast or the forest.† On the screen of this edition, published and distributed by Fowler and Wells ( though the house carefully distanced themsel ves from the book by proclaiming that â€Å"the writer is still his ain publisher† ) , Whitman emblazoned one of the first â€Å"blurbs† in American publication history: without inquiring Emerson s permission, he printed in gold on the spinal column of the book the gap words of Emerson s missive to him: â€Å"I greet you at the beginning of a great calling, † followed by Emerson s name. And, to bring forth promotion for the volume, he appended to the volume a group of reappraisals of the first edition including three he wrote himself along with a few negative reappraisals and called the assemblage Leaves-Droppings. Whitman was a innovator of the â€Å"any promotion is better than no publicity† scheme. At the dorsum of the book, he printed Emerson s full missive ( once more, without permission ) and wrote a long public missive back a sort of apology for his poesy turn toing it to â€Å"Master.† Although he would subsequently understate the influence of Emerson on his work, at this clip, he subsequently recalled, he had â€Å"Emerson-on-the-brain† ( American ; Conarroe ; Kaplan ) . Whitman had go on to let go of Leaves of Grass a legion sum of times, some good and some really criticized. An American poet, litterateur, novelist, short narrative author, journalist, and editor was a craftsman of cognition, it seemed. His cognition pursuit seemed to be on the way to happen the simple subjects of life. One subject that whitman wrote about was friendly relationship in the subdivision of Leaves of Grass called Calamus. This vision was of a # 8220 ; continent insoluble # 8221 ; with # 8220 ; inseparable metropoliss # 8221 ; all joined by # 8220 ; the life-long love of comrades. # 8221 ; The verse form # 8220 ; We Two Male childs are Together Clinging # 8221 ; is a good illustration of his verse forms on friendly relationship. # 8220 ; We two male childs together cleaving, One the other neer go forthing, Up and down the roads traveling, North and South jaunts doing, Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching, Arm vitamin D and fearless, feeding, imbibing, sleeping, loving # 8221 ; ( Whitman 121 ) . This is a power extract of Whitman s verse form about close ties between two people and the battle of billowing through the war. It talks as both work forces don Ts leave each other s side as friends stick together and as soldiers do during war. Another verse form that expresses friendly relationship would be # 8220 ; When I Peruse The Conquer vitamin D Fame # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; But when I hear of the brotherhood of lovers, how it was with them, How together through life, through dangers, odium unchanging, long and long, Through young person and through center and old age, how uncomplimentary, how fond and faithful they were # 8221 ; ( 120 ) . This citation of his verse form shows how two people go through life together through many fortunes and through many clip periods and at the terminal they can still demo at that place fondness to each other. Whitman wanted to unite and shatter struggl es so that world would adhere a state and physique democracy through the subjects of life. Through Walt Whitman s eyes we have seen nature, friendly relationship, decease and licking. All his Hagiographas can merely be interpreted the manner one sees the Hagiographas themselves. The poet died on March 26, 1892. The cause of decease was miliary TB, with other lending factors. Reader s retrieve Whitman for non what he wrote but what he taught through his Hagiographas. # 8220 ; O Captain! My Captain! # 8221 ; lift up and hear the bells ( Whitman 308 ) , for they are playing for you and you will be remembered.