Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Crime Of The Criminal Justice System - 845 Words

The criminal justice policy has many different aspects. This include the different theories of crime and how they have an impact the criminal justice system. Some of this theories are the Biological studies, Psychological theories, and last the Sociological theory all are used as different methods of explaining why crime exists. Biological theories are the biological explanations of crime. A famous theorists Cesare Lombroso, founder of the Italian school of Positivist Criminology. His biological explanation of crime, was that criminal behavior were genetic and that individuals who take part in crime, can be recognized by physical abnormalities or defects. One example is that murders have cold, glassy blood shot eyes, long hair and thin lips. He insisted that criminals committed acts that were beyond their control. William Sheldon theory of crime took on a different approach; he associates certain body types with certain behaviors. In his theory, he believed behavior to be inherited. One of Sheldon theory was that there is an association between personality and body type. Below are three basic body types according to Sheldon ââ€" ª Endomorphs-which are heavy, obese; soft, round shaped ââ€" ª Mesomorph- rectangular build, muscular, hard and heavy ââ€" ª Ectomorphs-linear, flat, thin, fragile, and delicate. Another biological explanation of crime relates to certain brain dysfunctions (Sammons, 2015). This can be seen in children and adults who suffer from ADHD, and other hyperactivityShow MoreRelatedCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesanalyzed various aspects of crime and criminality. Through continued study and ongoing research, criminologists have developed various theories as per the causes of different types of crime, whether or not some individuals are predisposed to certain types of criminal activity, legal processes of the criminal justice system, and how criminal offenders are processed. Canada’s criminal justice system comprises and constitutes various stages and components. The criminal justice system is a significant toolRead MoreCriminal Crime And The Criminal Justice System1693 Words   |  7 PagesCriminal Profiler/Psychologist’s are people in the Criminal Justice System that create psychological profiles of crimina ls in order to identify behavioral patterns, in efforts to help officers narrow down their searches to people who fit that particular description. Profiler’s examine crime scenes, analyze evidence, read reports from investigators, write reports, and interview witnesses and victims in order to collect information. They may work for local, state, or federal law enforcement. ProfilersRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System963 Words   |  4 Pagesnews reports, crime daily. Crime is something that we cannot run from in today’s society; so we depend highly upon the justice system. Criminal Justice is a major concern. Criminal Justice consists of three areas: our police, courts and corrections department. The Criminal Justice system was put in place by these agencies, and established by the governments to help control the crimes and applies penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there toRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1266 Words   |  6 Pages The criminal justice system in England and Wales is made up of multiple agencies which all have different responsibilities, however they share the main objective of maintaining and enforcing the rule of law. The International Bar Association (2005) describes the Rule of Law as ‘the foundation of a civilized society’ with a society’s formal response to crime being the responsibility of the criminal justice system ‘more specifically in terms of a series of decisions and actions being taken by a numberRead MoreCrime And The Criminal Justice System1511 Words   |  7 Pageshas always been a need to have a system in place in order to ensure that the laws of the land are followed by all. This system, today, is called the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is very important in serving the individual needs and society’s needs by making individuals feel safe and secure and by fulfilling societal requirements of punishing that criminal elem ent that infringes on those needs of individuals. The role that the criminal justice professional is vital when itRead MoreThe Crimes Of The Criminal Justice System968 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology, there are different types of crimes that can be committed. These crimes have been traditionally defined as either computer crimes or cybercrimes. The distinction in the two types of crimes seems to focus primarily on whether the crime can be committed without the use of technology and if the computer itself was actively involved with the crime. However, both types have created issues with the criminal justice system with how criminals are committing their crimes, the difficulties in law enforcementRead MoreCrime and the Criminal Justice System1111 Words   |  5 PagesCrime and the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system and the process have molded the laws of the United States to its current existence. The judicial system is designed to punish those who commit crimes against one another and for those who break the laws in other ways. According to Pearson (2012), crime can be defined as conduct in violation of the state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse. Pearson (2012)Read MoreCrime And Criminal Justice System974 Words   |  4 Pagescontrolled by policing to deal with the ‘problem’ of ‘crime’. Although there are various perceptions of what ‘crime’ is and means, we can view it as an offence or act which is able to be punished by the Law. Despite this, the Police arguably omit ‘crimes’ caused by particular individuals or groups such as; the bourgeois and white males and females. Many occasions these responses deny less privileged and minority groups equality within the criminal justice system, furthermore breaking the rule of Law. An ideologyRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1696 Words   |  7 Pages The Criminal Justice system has become an increasingly popular subject in America due to television, movies, and the media. This is due to crime and punishing crime being romanticized and the population becoming more desensitized. Some of the most appealing shows to the American people are the ones that include criminal investigations. However, the crime television shows that people view on a daily basis is extremely different from the actual Criminal Justice system, especially homicide investigationsRead MoreCrime System And Criminal Justice System Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: The criminal justice system has evolved on the decades. From initially being constituted by the victim to eventually becoming constituted by written laws. There have been several changes made within the justice system, so in the following I will discuss my perspectives of the researched information and the noted changes of a system that was created by the people for the people. Topic I – Victim Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System A. Responsibilities of the victim’s past/present

Monday, December 16, 2019

Home vs House Free Essays

Material and Spiritual Possessions John Berry, the homeless man from Yorba Linda was stabbed in the back thirty times. He did not have what people viewed as a house, but the bench near Carl’s Jr. was considered his home, a place of comfort and value close to the heart. We will write a custom essay sample on Home vs House or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Homeless† an essay written by Anna Quindlen, focuses on the people who don’t have that sense of place, â€Å"a place of certainty, stability, predictability, and privacy† (Quindlen 528). â€Å"Homeless† is not about the people who are living on the streets, but the people who never had a house to call their home. The difference between the two is that a house is a possession that functions as a protective shelter, an area to do daily routines and is a monetary asset to the owner, while a home possesses sentimental value, memories and traditions. First, a house is an architectural structure that provides shelter and also used for financial gain for its inhabitants. A house has four walls and a roof to block wind, rain, heat, and other outside elements for the people inside. Therefore, the outside of the house is made of materials that are waterproof while the structure is sturdy to withstand high winds. A house contains air conditioning and blinds to block heat from the outside. This building doesn’t only protect from weather, but also from people. The doors and windows have locking mechanisms to keep unwanted intruders out. A house also can be equipped with a security system that has cameras, alarms, and motion sensing lights for the people who want to be extra safe. Each room in a house is built specially to serve a purpose. The kitchen is filled with appliances to cook and store food. The bathroom is built with a toilet, shower, and a mirror to help accomplish morning routines. The bedrooms have a closet, bed, and desk so that the person living there can have his own private area to change, sleep, and complete work. However, the main purpose for a house for many people is for the financial gain. A house can be sold, bought, rented, foreclosed, and even abandoned. Many people bought a house so in the future they hope that they can resell the house for when they retire. Some people buy inexpensive houses to fix them up with a small amount of money and sell it for more than they bought the house including the repairs. Others buy a house in a certain area so they can vacation and stay there whenever they please. Houses are a realtor’s way of making a living. A house is treated like a possession that is passed from owner to owner and becomes nothing more than a structure. On the other hand, a home is a special place that holds memories that will never be forgotten, traditions and feelings that cannot be found anywhere else. A home has those crayons blemishes on the wall that track how the children are growing over the years. Home has that smell of Korean style hotpot every Christmas, that certain area where there is perfect lighting with peace and quiet to indulge in a novel, and the window that has a perfect view and has sun seep through it every morning. Birthdays to holidays are spent together with friends and family in this safe haven celebrating the special occasion. A home sees the ups and downs of the family living there. A family grows together in a home not only by age, but bonds between family members. A living room in a home hosts the Super Bowl game every year where friends and family get together with snacks and drinks to watch the game. A living room in a home is where the tree stands every December towering over the presents. The living room has the perfect love seat to be lazy on and watch favorite television shows and movies. The mahogany coffee table right next to the sofa is the perfect rest for feet compare to being pressed against the cold tile floor. Board games are placed on the coffee table in the middle of a circle of friends and family to compete with each other in Monopoly, Life, and Scrabble. To sum up, home is the best place to be to unwind from the day and have all the stress die way. A home is original, there is no place like home. It is decorated with memories and sentimental items; it has a feeling of permanence. The family in the home has privacy knowing no one is looking over their shoulder, no one is in their area of relaxation and no one is going to be bothersome. The home owner has control of what happens within the walls of the home. The home owner chooses what activities, parties and people that are allowed inside the home. Home is where the heart, privacy, and memories reside. Lastly, a home is a sanctuary and private place, while a house is a shelter monetary possession, and full fills basic needs. A home provides way beyond a house can ever give. They all vary in size, shape, color and design, but what is always different is the feeling inside. Works Cited Quindlen, Anna. â€Å"Homeless. † The Longwood Reader. 4th ed. Ed. Edward Dornan (Indent) Charles Dawe. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. 527-529. Print. How to cite Home vs House, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Walt Whitman And His Themes Of Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Walt Whitman and his Subjects of Life Throughout society publishing houses can do or brake a author s calling. When a author must print his ain work many times his work becomes shelved in his ain place for the dinner invitees to see. In Some instances as this one, you have a author who publishes his ain work and subsequently becomes one of America s most esteemed poets and his work hailed as a chef-doeuvre of American literature. Walt Whitman pioneered a vision of humanity based on classless democratic ideals and unveiled an ambitious poetic voice designed to function as the incarnation of America, through Leafs of Grass. In his most extremely regarded verse form # 8220 ; Song of Myself # 8221 ; Whitman states # 8220 ; You shall no longer take things at 2nd or 3rd manus, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor provender on the apparitions in books, You shall non look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides and filtrate them from your ego # 8221 ; ( Whitman 28 ) . This is everlasting and reflects his personal mentalities. Walt Whitman has a batch to lend to his Hagiographas. This information is focused on his personal history of his childhood, maturity and the text behind one of his many subjects, friendly relationship. As the second of nine kids Whitman was born in West Hills, Long Island on May 31, 1819. He grew up in Brooklyn and went to public schools at that place for six old ages. By the age of 11 Whitman was done with formal instruction and he began his life after school as a labourer, working foremost as an office male child for a jurisprudence office. Here his self-cultivation began absorbing what he could at the library. In 1831 Whitman became an learner on the Long Island Patriot, a broad, working category newspaper, where he learned the printing trade and was foremost exposed to exhilaration of seting words into print, detecting how thought and event could be rapidly transformed into linguistic communication and instantly communicated to 1000s of readers. He wrote articles on political relations and the humanistic disciplines. He attended arguments, the theatre, concerts, talks, political meetings and frequently sit on stage- managers and ferries merely to speak with people ( Kaplan 14 ; # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . During his stretch at the Patriot, Whitman retain a compositor s concern for how his words look on a page, what typeface they were dressed in, what effects assorted spacial agreements had, and he would ever retain his obstinate independency, neer get marrieding and populating entirely for most of his life. Meanwhile in the summer of 1833 after his household had resettled on a farm they had another boy, Thomas Jefferson. Though the 14 twelvemonth age difference, Whitman would turn really near with Thomas subsequently when they travel together to New Orleans in 1848. It had seemed that Whitman s naming was traveling to be in the printing concern, but terrible fires wiped out the major printing and concern centres of the metropolis, and, in the thick of a glooming fiscal clime, Whitman retreated place to his household in Long Island. Whitman began his new calling as a school teacher. These may hold been Whitman s most unhappy old ages, going to some 10 towns to learn and boarding with his pupils. He received really small wage to learn some really unenlightened people. The small grounds of his instruction is ( largely from short remembrances by a few former pupils ) suggests that Whitman employed what were so progressive techniques promoting pupils to believe aloud instead than merely recite, declining to penalize by paddling, affecting his pupils in educational games, and fall ining his pupils in baseball and card games. He did non waver to utilize his ain verse form which he was by this clip composing with some frequence, though they were rhymed, conventional poetries that indicated nil of the advanced poesy to come as texts in his schoolroom. Succeeding the learning Whitman spent a short clip as a fiction author between the old ages of 1840 to 1845, puting his narratives in magazines. During this clip Whitman w as composing for an array of newspapers on subjects runing from how the constabulary rounded up cocottes denouncing the bishop s support of parochial schools ( Conarroe ; Poetry for ) . Now at the age of 30 five Whitman had published his first edition of Leaves of Grass which consisted of 12 ignoble verse forms and no indicant of its writer aside from the right of first publication notice, in which the holders is identified as â€Å"Walt Whitman, an American, one of the roughs, a kosmos, † a phrase echoed I one of the verse form. Within a few months of bring forthing his first edition of Leaves, Whitman was already difficult at work on the 2nd edition. While in the first, he had given his long lines room to stretch across the page by publishing the book on big paper, in the 2nd edition he sacrificed the broad pages and produced what he subsequently called his â€Å"chunky fat book, † his earliest effort to make a minor edition that would offer the reader what Whitman idea of as the â€Å"ideal pleasure† â€Å"to put a book in your pocket and [ go ] away to the coast or the forest.† On the screen of this edition, published and distributed by Fowler and Wells ( though the house carefully distanced themsel ves from the book by proclaiming that â€Å"the writer is still his ain publisher† ) , Whitman emblazoned one of the first â€Å"blurbs† in American publication history: without inquiring Emerson s permission, he printed in gold on the spinal column of the book the gap words of Emerson s missive to him: â€Å"I greet you at the beginning of a great calling, † followed by Emerson s name. And, to bring forth promotion for the volume, he appended to the volume a group of reappraisals of the first edition including three he wrote himself along with a few negative reappraisals and called the assemblage Leaves-Droppings. Whitman was a innovator of the â€Å"any promotion is better than no publicity† scheme. At the dorsum of the book, he printed Emerson s full missive ( once more, without permission ) and wrote a long public missive back a sort of apology for his poesy turn toing it to â€Å"Master.† Although he would subsequently understate the influence of Emerson on his work, at this clip, he subsequently recalled, he had â€Å"Emerson-on-the-brain† ( American ; Conarroe ; Kaplan ) . Whitman had go on to let go of Leaves of Grass a legion sum of times, some good and some really criticized. An American poet, litterateur, novelist, short narrative author, journalist, and editor was a craftsman of cognition, it seemed. His cognition pursuit seemed to be on the way to happen the simple subjects of life. One subject that whitman wrote about was friendly relationship in the subdivision of Leaves of Grass called Calamus. This vision was of a # 8220 ; continent insoluble # 8221 ; with # 8220 ; inseparable metropoliss # 8221 ; all joined by # 8220 ; the life-long love of comrades. # 8221 ; The verse form # 8220 ; We Two Male childs are Together Clinging # 8221 ; is a good illustration of his verse forms on friendly relationship. # 8220 ; We two male childs together cleaving, One the other neer go forthing, Up and down the roads traveling, North and South jaunts doing, Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching, Arm vitamin D and fearless, feeding, imbibing, sleeping, loving # 8221 ; ( Whitman 121 ) . This is a power extract of Whitman s verse form about close ties between two people and the battle of billowing through the war. It talks as both work forces don Ts leave each other s side as friends stick together and as soldiers do during war. Another verse form that expresses friendly relationship would be # 8220 ; When I Peruse The Conquer vitamin D Fame # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; But when I hear of the brotherhood of lovers, how it was with them, How together through life, through dangers, odium unchanging, long and long, Through young person and through center and old age, how uncomplimentary, how fond and faithful they were # 8221 ; ( 120 ) . This citation of his verse form shows how two people go through life together through many fortunes and through many clip periods and at the terminal they can still demo at that place fondness to each other. Whitman wanted to unite and shatter struggl es so that world would adhere a state and physique democracy through the subjects of life. Through Walt Whitman s eyes we have seen nature, friendly relationship, decease and licking. All his Hagiographas can merely be interpreted the manner one sees the Hagiographas themselves. The poet died on March 26, 1892. The cause of decease was miliary TB, with other lending factors. Reader s retrieve Whitman for non what he wrote but what he taught through his Hagiographas. # 8220 ; O Captain! My Captain! # 8221 ; lift up and hear the bells ( Whitman 308 ) , for they are playing for you and you will be remembered.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jane Essays - English-language Films, British Films, Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte's Example for Women Charlotte Bronte, in her novel, Jane Eyre, establishes us with a first-hand account of a women's triumph over hardships. Jain was born orphaned, poor, and grew up in an un-loving home. To add insult to injury, she was a woman in Victorian society; a subordinate position to begin with. Throughout the novel, Jane faces many hardships that truly tested her spirit and integrity. She refused to have her life determined for her, and stayed strong through adversity. By giving us the character of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte gives us a medium in which to feel the suffering and powerlessness of Jane's situations. The first-person narration helps the reader relate more closely to the situation, and the triumph of Jane's character through her adversities is an example for women to live their lives by. When Jane is only ten years old, we are shown a glimpse of her strength of character. Facing much resentment and evil in the Reed house, Jane cannot be degraded much longer, at least without saying something about it, and confronts Mrs. Reed: "I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed: and this book about the liar, you may give to your girl Georgiana, for it is she who tells lies, and not I(p.45)." Further portraying Jane's passion and toughness is what she thought right before standing up for herself. Speak I must: I had been trodden on severely, and must turn: but how? What strength had I to dart retaliation at my antagonist? I gathered my energies and launched them in this blunt sentence:- ...(p.45) This is a huge turning point in Jane's life; one that greatly affects her for the rest of her life. After continuing her retaliation at Mrs. Reed, Jane feels over-powered. "Ere I had finished this reply, my soul began to expand, to exult, with the strangest sense of freedom, of triumph, I ever felt."(p.46) This gives Jane a sense of confidence in herself to go out in the world and be what she wants to be. She directly addressed a fear, stood up for herself, and, in the process, gained the strength and fortitude she would need to face her upcoming hardships. Jane grows up with a natural questioning of authority and an independent, un-coercive mind. She was not going to lay down for just anyone, and was always aware of the oppression she was suffering, and where it was coming from. When Helen tells Jane to be less impulsive and just to obey the rules of her school and god more obediently, without questioning, Jane thinks to herself, "I could not comprehend this doctrine of endurance; and still less could I understand or sympathize with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser(p.66)." When Helen continues to preach about loving your enemies and letting people get away with victimizing you, Jane replies, "But I feel this, Helen: I must dislike those who, whatever I do to please them, persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly. It is natural as that I should love those who show me affection, or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved(p.68)." This shows a great deal of insight and moral strength on the part of Jane at such a young age. Jane is sympathetic, affectionate, and spiritual, but that doesn't mean that she can be walked over. Jane again faces hardship in her relationship with Mr. Rochester. While taking her shopping and showering her with lavish gifts, Jane feels uneasy. "Glad was I to get him out of the silk warehouse, and then out of a jeweler's shop: the more he bought me, the more my cheek burned with a sense of annoyance and degradation."(p.301) Degradation usually is not a word associated with receiving nice gifts. However, Jane felt dependant and inferior, as the way a child would receive gifts from a father because they cannot support themselves, however, without the blind acceptance and lack of guilt that comes with children. Jane again discusses her relationship with Rochester: "It would indeed be a relief, I thought, if I had ever so small an independency; I never can bear being dressed like a doll by Mr. Rochester..."(p.301) This shows Jane's frustration at not being independent; she has two strikes against her, being a woman, and being poor. She refuses to live in this

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog This Week in PoeticHistory

This Week in PoeticHistory Just for fun: were celebrating the lives of three poets that were changed this week in history, many years ago, and examining the curious ways one turn of events can change a legacy. Here are three world-altering events from three years in poetic history The Raven Is Born On this day in 1845, Edgar Allen Poes The Raven, one of the best-known poems in the English language, was first published. But it was no easy feat getting it into print. Poe first submitted the poem his friend and owner of Grahams Magazine George Rex Graham, who declined. He did, however, give Poe $15 out of what could best be described as pity. The poem was eventually bought by  The American Review, for $9. Still, Poe was not yet to become the household name he would shortly be; the magazine printed it under the pseudonym Quarles. It was in the  Evening Mirror  that the poem first appeared with Poes name beneath it. Thanks to this publication,  Edgar Allen Poe and his Raven achieved   immediate  success,both praised by Elizabeth Barrett (Your Raven has produced a sensation, a fit o horror, here in England. Some of my friends are taken by the fear of it and some by the music. I hear of persons haunted by Nevermore') and memorized by Abraham Lincoln himself. To discover more about and celebrate this influential poem, find the annotated eText of The Raven here at . Dante Alighieri Is Exiled If it werent for an unfortunate turn of politics, would Dante have written the masterpiece we all remember him for? On January 27th, 1302, the poet was banished from Florence, where he served as one of the citys six priors. Dantes political activities, including the banishing of several rivals, led to his own banishment, and he wrote his masterpiece,  The Divine Comedy,  as a virtual wanderer, seeking protection for his family in town after town, which may or may not be akin to walking the nine circles of Hell Of course, nowhere is this experience listed as inspiration for  The Divine Comedywe just couldnt resist the temptation of a good what if!  Yet surely this must have been a time of reflection for Alighieri, as the part of his guide through Paradise, the last portion of the series, was given to a Beatrice Potinari, Dantes own childhood love and adult muse. For additional background, analysis, and critical essays of Dantes masterpiece, find the complete study guide here. The Last Poems of Yeats Are Published from His Deathbed Seventy-five years ago, celebrated Irish poet William Butler Yeats took his last breath. In the same month, three of his last poems ran in The Atlantic. As he faced his own mortality, how did the Nobel Prizewinner look back on his life and work? Heartrendingly, with little regard for his own ego or extensive achievements. In The Man and the Echo, for instance, Yeats examined his role in the 1916 Easter Rising, a bloody rebellion by Irish republicans against British rule. In the poem the poet apportions blame to himself, as the speaker confesses to his own unforgiving echo: Man. In a cleft thats christened Alt Under broken stone I halt At the bottom of a pit That broad noon has never lit, And shout a secret to the stone. All that I have said and done, Now that I am old and ill, Turns into a question till I lie awake night after night And never get the answers right. Did that play of mine send out Certain men the English shot? Did words of mine put too great strain On that womans reeling brain? Could my spoken words have checked That whereby a house lay wrecked? And all seems evil until I Sleepless would lie down and die. Echo. Lie down and die. Yeats died on January 28th, 1939 in a boarding house in Menton, France.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Why You Should Use Table Topics in Your Adult Education Classroom

Why You Should Use Table Topics in Your Adult Education Classroom Teachers of adults, whether they are corporate trainers or adult education instructors, know that adults learn differently than children and come to the classroom with lots to talk about. These students have life experience and want meaningful conversation, not superficial chit-chat. When discussion is a big part of your reason for being in the classroom, use Table TopicsTM to break the ice and help people engage. Then you can move easily into your planned topic. There are several different versions of Table TopicsTM, each with 135 questions in a four-inch acrylic cube. Pass the cube around and ask your students to pick a card or two, or sort them in advance, choosing the cards that apply to your lesson plan. Pros Great questions that eliminate superficial chatter and start meaningful conversations.Conversation from just one question can last an hour. It takes a long time to work through one cube.The question cards are made of a sturdy cardboard, so theyll stay nice a long time.There are several versions in different categories.The acrylic cube looks modern, and maybe a bit hip, sitting on your coffee table at home or on your classroom shelf. Cons Each cube costs $25, a little hefty for some wallets.If youre a traveling trainer, the cubes are on the weighty side, two pounds each, but the company does make travel versions. Description Four-inch clear acrylic cube.135 conversation-starting questions.A variety of categories from which to choose. Expert Review I picked up my first box of Table TopicsTM on a whim while shopping in one of those funky little shops you see in the artsy parts of any city. A four-inch clear acrylic cube holds 135 cards, each with a provocative question that is sure to inspire lively conversation. I bought the Original cube. It has questions like: What would you most like to do for someone else if you had the money and time?What fashion trend you followed was very cool then, but now looks ridiculous?If you could have any view from your back porch, what would it be? Tim and I still talk about the conversations that were inspired the first evening we opened the cube. He talked about his most memorable meal at Mothers in New Orleans. Were heading back soon to recreate that experience. Since then, Ive purchased the Gourmet and Spirit cubes. The Gourmet cube is fun if youre a foodie like Tim. Its full of questions like: Do you have a food philosophy?To what degree do you eat local, organic, sustainably grown food?Which cooking shows do you watch? Some people can talk about food forever. This cube is for them. The Spirit cube has more questions that I would consider religious rather than spiritual, so there are some I put back without answering, which is usually against my own personal rules, but there are also some very good ones: What makes something sacred?Is there value in suffering?Would you like to know how and when youll die? The Original cube is clearly my favorite. Its scope is broader and its topics are ones more appropriate for a general group of people, especially those who are strangers. In the classroom, unless youre teaching a specific topic covered by Table TopicsTM, Id go with the Original cube. Be sure to check out the Table Topics ice breaker!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personality assesment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personality assesment - Essay Example (Funder 1991, Tellegen 1991) personality psychologists predominantly make use of the ‘Five Factor Model’ for the assessment of an individual’s personality. (Digman 1990, Goldberg 1993a) This model reflects an individual’s psychological, social and cultural components that contribute towards his personality. It also reveals if an individual has had a troubled history or comes from a very poor socio- economic background. Research has given us an invaluable theory of personality which could be used for assessing the different personality variables. Personality assessment helps us to get a better idea of an individual and also helps us understand the individual’s behavioral pattern in a better light, thereby avoiding many conflicting issues. The 8th edition of Robert Feldman’s (2006) book on Understanding Psychology, stimulates the understanding and capabilities of students through his broad vision and insightful thinking. He strongly felt that if students understood psychology then they would learn it well. The principles and concepts contained in his book cover the areas of five important perspectives – Cognitive, behavioral, neuro-scientific, psychodynamic and humanistic. 1. Validity – Validity is considered to be the subjective judgment which could be based on either experience or other empirical indicators. Validity is also considered to be the maximum extent to which a test measures what’s needed to be measured. For a test to be considered valid it has to be first of all reliable; but reliability of the test does not guarantee its validity. The different types of validity include – 1) Face validity, 2) Construct validity, 3) Criterion validity, 4)Convergent validity and 5) Discriminant validity. 2. Reliability – Reliability is nothing but consistency. Reliability is considered to be the extent to which any test provides consistent scores. Measuring procedures do

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

OBESITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

OBESITY - Essay Example By increasing awareness of the obesity epidemic in America we can begin to reverse the trend in weight gain. We need to re-evaluate the importance of healthy eating due to obesity that has become the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. It is strongly recommended that the government should enforce strict physical education program and dietary restriction in all schools to control the prevalence of obesity in the society. Nutritionists and researchers attribute poor dietary habits and lack of exercises as the major causes of obesity in the society (Bernard, 2007). These detrimental habits develop in the early stages of child development especially in schools. Therefore teaching the children early about obesity, benefits of exercises and healthy eating habits could play a major role in reducing incidents of obesity later in their lives. One of the challenges in this thesis is the fact that home environment plays a significant role in encouraging obesity and it is beyon d the government control .In order to motivate schools and homes to control this rise in obesity in children, it is important to provide teachers and parents with reliable information on what obesity actually is, how it affects the children and how to treat it. Obesity is defined in terms of body mass index (BMI), with the following quantities - DBMI 25-30 = overweight, BMI 30+ = obese and BMI 40+ or 100+ pounds over recommended weight = morbidly obese. As The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2008)explains, obesity in not just a few extra pounds of weight that a person has, but it may indicate a problem developing. They explain that a â€Å"child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10% higher than what is recommended for the height and body type†. Obesity can begin early, ages five and six. The frequency of the incidence of obesity in adolescents also is a cause of concern and indication of the need for addressing the issue. Figures for oc currence have been given by various concerned parties, particularly for the US. However the issue is a global one. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry quotes figures between 16 and 33% of children and adolescents as being obese. Likewise, research has indicated that parents with obesity increases child's chances to also manifest the same chronic illness by 50 to 80% (AACAP, 2008). More detailed statistics are provided by Lawrence et al (2010) who show that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents as being three times higher than it was in the 1980s. They show by their figures how the problem is growing. According to their figures, prior to the 1980s the percentage of overweight and obese children was only 6.5% for children and 5% for adolescents. By 2004 however these figures increased to 18.8 % and 17.4 % respectively. In addition to these figures, 31% of children under age 18 are at risk of being overweight. Causes of Obesity: Poor e ating habits and lack of exercise are the two most commonly suggested causes of obesity. In addition, The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry suggests other factors including some medical illnesses such as endocrine or neurological problems and some

Saturday, November 16, 2019

French Education System Essay Example for Free

French Education System Essay In France, education has a clear goal: the system must always produce a group of well-educated individuals with a common culture, language and abilities that can then serve the State. The French educational system has a very large emphasis on content, culturally specific knowledge, scientific and mathematic knowledge. The system is designed to serve the needs of the state; the individuality and originality are not considered worth while values The French Republic has 60 million inhabitants, living in the 22 regions of metropolitan France and four overseas departments (1. million). Despite the fact that the population is growing slightly (up 0. 4% a year), the number and proportion of young people under 25 are, however, falling: there are now fewer than 19 million of them in metropolitan France, i. e. 32% of the total population, compared with 40% around 1970 and 35% at the time of the 1990 census. France is seeing a slow aging of the population — less marked however than in other neighbouring countries (Germany and Italy), especially as the annual number of births is currently increasing slightly. 5 million pupils and students, i. e. a quarter of the population, are in the education system. Just over 2 million are in higher education. In 1999, Frances GDP was close to FF 9,000 billion (EUR 1,330 billion), i. e. FF 150,000 (EUR 22,000) per inhabitant. Of this total, just over FF 600 billion (EUR 95 billion) were devoted to initial or continuing education: 7. 2% of GDP. As far as school education spending is concerned, France is in a middle position, behind the Nordic countries (Sweden and Denmark), but fairly significantly ahead of Italy and Japan. France has a workforce today of 26 million, of whom fewer than 2 million are unemployed: the unemployment rate recently fell to below 9%. 6% of the labor force (about 1. 5 million jobs, including 1 million civil servants and local government officers) are undergoing training. Educational Structure Around 13 million pupils attend school in France. The system is a unified one, whose present general structure (primary schools, colleges, lycees) was gradually put in place during the 1960s and 1970s, ending the formerly more compartmentalized system which was based on a clear separation between rimary and secondary education. Since the 1970s, France has also had an outstanding record with respect to the development of pre-school education; all 3- to 5-year-olds can go to nursery classes. Since 1967, school attendance has been compulsory for those from 6 to 16 years of age. France has 60,000 primary schools catering to pupils during their first five years of formal education: the first three years (CP cours preparatoire cours elementaire 1 and 2) provide a grounding in the basic skills. The next stage CM1/CM2 (cours moyen 1 and 2) takes the children up to the end of primary school. Secondary schooling is divided into two successive stages, known as cycles. From 11 to 15 years, almost all children now attend a college, taking them from form 6 (sixieme) to form 3 (troisieme) (1). Since 1975 there has been a single mixed-ability college for all pupils regardless of their level of achievement. After form 3, they move onto a general, technical or vocational lycee. These prepare pupils for the corresponding baccalaureatexaminations (referred to as le bac), which they normally take at the age of 18.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is more than a story about a mans love for a women, but rather a mans will to achieve greatness as he perceived. Jay Gatsby was a man driven by money and power. He was a man with a vision, a vision to succeed in life. As a child, Jay Gatsby grew up on a farm. He saw his parents as nothing but lethargic farmers. Gatsby knew exactly what he didn’t want to be and that was like his parents. They were people who were content with who they were. Gatsby, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He wanted to move on. Jay Gatsby wanted to be someone special, someone with prestige and someone definitely with money. Gatsby developed a self improvement plan to help him flourish as a young man. His plan detailed dumbbell exercises, studying electricity, practicing elocution and studying needed inventions. Even his parents knew he was driven. His father said: "Jimmy was bound to get ahead.. He always had some resolve like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that" (182). The structured drive let Gatsby prevail in his endeavors. However, there are some things people just can’t get away from. James Gatsby desperately wanted to achieve success in life. However, it is difficult to flourish with a background like Gatsby’s. So to escape his past, he changed his name at the age of 17 from James Gats to Jay Gatsby. Nonetheless, changing his name only did so much for him. Gatsby ended up living a life of lies because of his hidden identity. Nobody really knew Gatsby. So in the absence of peoples knowledge, they conjured up rumors. "One time he killed a man who found out he was a nephew of von Hindenburg and second to the devil"(65). These were just some of the rumors about Gatsby. Some believed he was a German spy, while others thought he was a war hero. These were things he had to go through to reach his ultimate goal in life, which was to succeed. After he left the farm, Gatsby went to work for a man named Dan Cody. Cody was a stable father figure for Gatsby. He looked up to Dan and saw what he really wanted to be. "That’s Dan Cody, old sport.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Be Not Afraid of Goodness

While hearing some talks by Cardinal Mario Bergoglio during the previous week of the Pope’s election, it was mention the word â€Å"coprophilia† as a common reaction by people in front of certain information. This was an answer made to LaStampa. it, an Italian Online Newspaper, about the sensationalist journalism that often publishes scandals about the Catholic Church (qtd. in Tornielli n. pag. ). He explained that this kind of journalism is a result of a sickness called coprophilia, something that most of journalists are in danger to get and by them, people in danger to commit â€Å"coprophagy†, a common sin that marks all women and men (qtd. n Tornielli n. pag. ). After a week, this Cardinal was elected as the new Pope of the Catholic Church. In the moment I heard about him, I run to find those words’ meaning. I discovered that Merriam-Webster Online defines â€Å"coprophilia† as â€Å"marked interest in excrement† (n. pag. ) and coprophagy as â€Å"eating of feces that is normal behavior among many animals† (n. pag. ). Therefore, I started to think about the meaning of those words in context of Cardinal Bergoglio’s answer, now Holy Father Pope Francis. What did he mean about people sick of coprophilia and committing coprophagy when we talk about the scandals of the Catholic Church? Fortunately, the bomb of news about the new Pope’s election and people’s perceptions and comments about him as man and Catholic leader answered my questions. He meant that coprophilia is the people’s tendency – and journalists, as main source of information – to look for the worst part of something in a morbid way, placing the good aside; that makes people – receptors – to commit coprophagy by consuming that negative perspective. Once the Holy Father Pope Francis gave his first words to his people, most of Catholics realized that he was a very humble man who just asks us to pray for him and for each other. In his Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry, he mentioned several important facts directed to not just Catholics, but also to all the Governors who were present there in Saint Peter Square, Vatican. He said, â€Å"Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross† Holy Father Pope Francis n. pag. ). Also he explained, â€Å"We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness† because tenderness â€Å"is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love† (n. pag. ). Those words opened mine mind and heart deeply; I could not believe that simple words like his could move me so much. I felt very happy and inspired by him and wanted to find more information about him and his previous talks and writings as Cardinal. Nevertheless, those nice feelings were shocked by horrible information about him just typing his name on Google. There were several news about him as a participant priest of the Argentinean dictatorship during 1976-1983, as well as accusations of misogynistic activity because of some things he supposedly said about women’s incapacities in a conference. Not wanting to trust that information, I started to ask people. Sadly, I found most of them with the knowledge about the unfounded internet accusations, but not about what he has said about service and tenderness. It was then that I comprehended deeply how people, journalists as the first source of communication, have an excessive interest on the â€Å"secret† or â€Å"bad† aspects of any news and deny people the very good information they can get, as the whole inspiration I received upon initially reading the Pope’s words. After searching on Google and asking people, I started to dig a little bit on certain reliable information. Fortunately, I found that the new Pope’s supposed participation in the dictatorship were false accusations based on pictures of him, from his back, giving the communion to General Videla – Dictator Argentinean President. The picture showed an old thin man as priest, but that year, he was 26 years old, so he could not be that man. Other sources showed as well that people who were imprisoned because of him declared publicly that he was not involved with dictatorship actions. About misogynistic declarations of women in a conference, a program of Eternal Word Television Network did a search about that conference of Cardinal Bergoglio talking about women’s incapacities and recurred directly to the only source that was accusing him, and it resulted that they have said that from a Yahoo forum commentary made by an atheist person who hated the Catholic Church. That person did not have any fundament for saying that. Sadly, all of this false information was spread quickly and most of people were consuming those arguments easily. All this experience made me grow in the way of evaluating mass information, I discovered that despite the fact something could be really good, like the thoughts of Holy Father Pope Francis that everybody can take advantage of, there will be a dangerous filter which will try to show us the worst part of it. However, that is not because of â€Å"evil† journalists, is because of people’s consumption. In general, people do not care about the true behind information; just pay attention to the secret and bad things can be said about something. Therefore, being critical while reading and willing to find the truth, could give us enormous benefits allowing us to know the best part of everything taking care of our minds and hearts.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Brave New World Character Analysis

Brave New World by Aloud Huxley, the reader is introduced to a very different society than the one that they currently live in. In this seemingly weird society, Huxley introduces Lenin Crowner. Lenin is Aloud Huxley femme fatal character. She works at a London Center of Hatchery. Lenin is also a very â€Å"pneumatic† woman that is the ideal Brave New World citizen and is also thoroughly conditioned to meet the expectations of the world controllers.. Although intelligent, she prefers to return to her conditioning and not cause arguments.There are moments of non-conformity in her, but she hides such tendencies, preferring to be an ideal member of the Brave New World. Since she is a true product of the Brave New World, she dislikes traditional human emotions and sees sex as only a â€Å"no strings attached† type thing. It is because of this that she doesn't understand why John the Savage is not interested in her just because of her body. The common question surrounding Len in is does she really love John, or is this simply a case of wanting what you can't have? Throughout the course of the novel, we do see an evolution in Lamina's character right around the timeJohn is introduced. We see the breaking point of Lenin when she does something at the end of the book that she's never done. She cried when seeing John isolating himself at the lighthouse thus showing that Lenin was presumably in love with John. Personally, still feel that Lenin was just infatuated of the fact that John is different from the rest of the Brave New World. Overall, we as readers saw a major change in Lamina's character throughout the course of the novel. I do feel however that Huxley could have better represented Lenin in the beginning chapters and also describe her a bit

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Technology And The Problems It Creates

Although, technology might seem like it’s great and cut the job workforce in half the time, it seems like it’s damaging our lives. People get cut from their jobs, because machines are taking over for them. In some aspects of life, that could be for the best, like using machines to create parts for cars ( instead of manual work). People tend to get mad that their jobs are being taken away by technology and I completely agree with them. The most common example to use is computers. It’s the main reason our country is falling apart and jobs are being decreased. Computers weren’t such a big thing around fifty years ago. The nation used to research by using books and common knowledge. Typing papers was a pain, because type writers didn’t have the copy and paste features and spell check that we have now. Most people who didn’t have a type writer had to write by hand. Using books and other means of information made people read more and get more educated. By using the internet you don’t have to actually leave your house. You can listen to music on such sites as AOL radio or launch.com. There are also a variety of Russian stations like rbcmp3.com and mp3.rin.ru (one is used to listen to songs rather than buying the CDs and the other allows you to download songs for free). This creates a problem for the artists and people producing/making these albums. There are sites where one can download music for free. A few examples are sites like iMesh, Kazza, WinMX. You can shop, listen to music, and even earn a degree online. Anything you can possibly want is now on the Internet. By creating machines, computers, and other devices like robots, many jobs will be taken away and given to machinery. If you’re a draftsman you no longer need to do anything by hand, because of programs like AutoCAD and AutoDesk Inventor where everything is done for you and shows you your models in different views. If you’re a mechanic you have devices t... Free Essays on Technology And The Problems It Creates Free Essays on Technology And The Problems It Creates Although, technology might seem like it’s great and cut the job workforce in half the time, it seems like it’s damaging our lives. People get cut from their jobs, because machines are taking over for them. In some aspects of life, that could be for the best, like using machines to create parts for cars ( instead of manual work). People tend to get mad that their jobs are being taken away by technology and I completely agree with them. The most common example to use is computers. It’s the main reason our country is falling apart and jobs are being decreased. Computers weren’t such a big thing around fifty years ago. The nation used to research by using books and common knowledge. Typing papers was a pain, because type writers didn’t have the copy and paste features and spell check that we have now. Most people who didn’t have a type writer had to write by hand. Using books and other means of information made people read more and get more educated. By using the internet you don’t have to actually leave your house. You can listen to music on such sites as AOL radio or launch.com. There are also a variety of Russian stations like rbcmp3.com and mp3.rin.ru (one is used to listen to songs rather than buying the CDs and the other allows you to download songs for free). This creates a problem for the artists and people producing/making these albums. There are sites where one can download music for free. A few examples are sites like iMesh, Kazza, WinMX. You can shop, listen to music, and even earn a degree online. Anything you can possibly want is now on the Internet. By creating machines, computers, and other devices like robots, many jobs will be taken away and given to machinery. If you’re a draftsman you no longer need to do anything by hand, because of programs like AutoCAD and AutoDesk Inventor where everything is done for you and shows you your models in different views. If you’re a mechanic you have devices t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Capital Budgeting Decisions

The purpose of the report is to help the GM (A Large Carpentering Firm) to take the investment decision. GM wants to replace one of its existing sawing machines with the new one. For this purpose, two alternate sawing machines are considered, machine A is fully automated while machine B operates on standard technology. The problem is to find out which machine will be best suitable for replacement through using capital budgeting techniques such as NPV, IRR and pay back period method. There is clear objective to evaluate proposed Machines (A and B) with the help of various techniques of capital budgeting techniques. Another purpose is to guide management of GM on selection of best alternative through applying practical as well as theoretical aspects of capital budgeting. In order to evaluate the Machine A and Machine B through using capital budgeting methods, following methods have been used. Pay back period method is one of the most used methods used for capital budgeting decisions. It measures the length of time required to recollect the expenses made on the project in first year. It helps to analyst to know whether to undertake the project or not. Longer pay back periods are not desirable for investment purpose as compare to project where cost of project is recovered in less time (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2011). This method does not consider time value of money and cash inflows are subject to any present value factor as in case of other methods. In case GM firm, Mr. David wants to evaluate two machines on pay back period basis. Calculations are as under: Pay Back Period of Machine A: 4 years + [(660,000-644,000)/ (1,094,000-644,000)] years   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = 4 years +0.053 years   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = 4.053 years Pay Back period of Machine B: 3 years + [(360000-304000/ (390000-304000)] years   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = 3.65 years Net present value is the difference of present value of cash inflow and present value of cash outflows. This method is used in capital budgeting decisions and helps in evaluating the profitability of project or investment. This method considers time value of money, so, it is regarded as one of best method to evaluate the project for capital budgeting purpose (Pratt, 2010). Net Present Value of Machine A: Present value of cash inflows for Machine A – Present values of cash outflows for Machine A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = $ 718,132.88 - $ 660,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = $ 58132.88 Net Present Value of Machine B: Present value of cash inflows for Machine B – Present values of cash outflows for Machine B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = $ 43483.24 Internal rate of return refers to an interest rate where all the present value of cash inflows and cash outflows become zero. This interest rate is the rate at which project will earn if that project is selected (Drake and Fabozzi, 2012). This method of capital budgeting is used to analyze the attractiveness of the project. Project or investment is selected in case IRR is more than the firm required rate of return. Project or investment is rejected where IRR is less than the firm required rate of return. In the case of GM Company, the required rate of return is 13 %. On analyses if it has been found that IRR of Machine A or B is greater than that machine will be selected which has highest IRR (Fridson and Alvarez, 2011). On the basis of above analysis, the key findings are as under:   $  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   58,132.88 Rankings of Machines as per the method On the basis of various factors and ranking procedure applied to choose either machine A and B, it is concluded that GM firm must invest in Machine B to receive the outflows in less time period with highest IRR. As regards to NPV, Machine A has to be selected but it is also true that both machines have positive NPV (Staubus, 2013). There are many other factors that firm must considered while taking the investment decisions. Every investment requires outflow of cash at the beginning keeping in mind that such investment will provide higher benefits in future years (Bull, 2007). Therefore, decision related to plant and machine must be evaluated using capital budgeting methods but it is also important to consider factors like technology used in machine, other cost related with machine and functional capacity of the machine. In case of GM firm, Mr. David should consider following factors: Brigham, E. F. and Ehrhardt, M. C. 2011. Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Mason: Cengage Learning. Bull, R. 2007. Financial Ratios: How to use financial ratios to maximize value and success for your businesses. Elsevier. Drake, P. P. and Fabozzi, F. J. 2012. Analysis of Financial Statements. John Wiley & Sons. Fridson, M. S. and Alvarez, F. 2011. Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide. John Wiley & Sons. Menicucci, E. 2014. Fair Value Accounting: Key Issues Arising from the Financial Crisis. Springer. Mumba, C. 2013. Understanding Accounting and Finance: Theory and Practice. USA: Trafford Publishing. Pratt, J. 2010. Financial Accounting in an Economic Context. John Wiley & Sons. Staubus, G.J. 2013. The Decision Usefulness Theory of Accounting: A Limited History. Routledge.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Crime of Mayhem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Crime of Mayhem - Essay Example For example, earlier this summer there was a report of a â€Å"woman whose dismembered body was found inside a suitcase and black plastic bag in a West Virginia creek [who] apparently was stabbed to death† (http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0806/354752.html). This appears to be a classic case of attempted disposal of the evidence following a murder. Another case, reported in 2005, was that of a Purdue University graduate student whose dismembered remains were found in a vehicle that has been abandoned in parking garage (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_20050901/ai_n15613591). In this case, the victim’s wife was the prime suspect, as he was reported missing â€Å"the same day his wife was expected to plead guilty to injuring him in a stabbing last Christmas in their Lafayette, Ind., apartment.† There is some international intrigue involved in this scenario, as the victim’s wife apparently fled to China following the crime. Mayhem has proven to be a shocking and depraved crime that has served such purposes as disposal of evidence, victim torture and sexual gratification of the perpetrator. As such, it is a severe aggravating factor when other crimes are present, as they often